CTET 2021 CDP Question Paper 29 December 2021 | ctet previous year question paper 

CTET 2021 CDP Question Paper 29 December 2021: / CTET 2021 CDP Question Paper 2/ctet previous year question paper  केंद्रीय शिक्षक पात्रता परीक्षा (CTET) दिसम्बर 2021 से  जनवरी 2022 को आयोजित हुई  है। इस परीक्षा में पेपर वन में पांच खंडों होते हैं। जिसमें अंग्रेजी भाषा, हिंदी भाषा, गणित और पर्यावरण अध्ययन – CDP  से पूछे जाएंगेI CTET CDP  सिलेबस 2021 के अनुसार, इस खंड में बहुविकल्पीय वस्तुनिष्ठ प्रारूप में कुल 30 प्रश्न पूछे जाते हैं। प्रत्येक प्रश्न 1 अंक का है और कोई नकारात्मक अंकन नहीं होता  है। ये जो question पेपर 2 CDP का है

CTET 2021 CDP Question Paper 29 December 2021


1.  Assertion(A) : Children should be provided with love, care and lot of opportunities to develop and learn in early childhood.

Reason(R) : Outcome of severely deprived childhood can be easily modified in later years. Choose the correct option.

Options :

1. Both ( A) and (R ) are true and ( R ) is the correct explanation of ( A)

2. Both ( A) and (R ) are true but (R) is not the correct explanation of ( A)

3. (A ) is true but ( R) is false                                  4. Both (A ) and ( R) are false

2. Jean Piaget’s theory is critiqued for having proposed four stages of cognitive development. Which debate of child development does this fall under?

Options :

1. inclusion                                                                2. sensitive periods

3. continuity / discontinuity                                  4. nature / nurture

3. The kind of learning in which children learn through imitation of others is called –

Options :

1. Social learning                               2. Behavioristic learning

3. Discovery learning                        4. Humanistic learning

4. At which stage of cognitive development does the ability for abstract thinking and scientific reasoning develop?

Options :

1. Pre-operational stage                   2. Sensori motor stage

3. Concrete operational stage         4. Formal operational stage

5. According to Jean Piaget’s cognitive development theory, which of the following is essential for cognitive development?

Options :

1. Observation of the environment.                                     2. Reinforcements by adults.

3. Active exploration of the surrounding.                          4. Condition of Stimulus and Response

6. Which of the following is the correct example of scaffolding?

Options :

1. Sumit gives his friend his notebook to copy the answers.

2. Sumit helps his friend by giving her the appropriate amount of assistance he needs for solving each question.

3. Sumit helps his friend by writing all the answers in his notebook.

4. Sumit tells his friend that she has to do all the questions on her own.

7. Zone of proximal development is a ___________space.

Options :

1. dynamic                           2. rigid                      3. mechanical               4. Stagnant

8. Which of the following is a critique of Lawrence Kohlberg’s theory of moral development?

Options :

1. Stages in Kohlberg’s theory are well defined and distinct.

2. Kohlberg’s approach to moral reasoning underestimates the moral maturity of females. .

3. Stages in Kohlberg’s theory draw upon the characteristics used by Piaget to describe the sequence of cognitive development.

4. Kohlberg did a longitudinal study with his participants where he interviewed them at three to four year interval.

9. A ‘child centered’ pedagogy ________________

(i) incorporates diverse pedagogic methods

(ii) promotes democratic classroom practice

(iii) considers children’s psychological development

(iv) gives primacy to the teacher’s authority

Options :

1. (i), (iii), (iv)                            2. (i), (ii), (iv)                        3. (iii), (iv)                   4. (i), (ii), (iii)

10. Gender segregated seating arrangement and rigid gender based learning tasks in a middle classroom would –

Options :

1. encourage gender equality                               2. facilitate gender equality

3. lead to gender bias                                           4. promote gender stereotype flexibility

11. Use of IQ tests as a measure of intelligence –

Options :

1. is valid since they can predict intelligence accurately.

2. has been critiqued since many tests are culturally biased.

3. is very useful to rank and sort students in clear cut categories for their educability.

4. helps the teacher in predicting students’ academic performance and success.

12. As per National Education Policy 2020, assessment of learners should include the progress as well as uniqueness of learners in –

Options :

1. cognitive, social, spiritual domains.

2. cognitive, physical domains.

3. cognitive, affective, psychomotor domains.

4. physical, physiological, psychological domains.

13. Which of the following questions would NOT assess critical thinking?

Options :

1. Find the value of x if the equation 2x = 12.

2. Think of the reasons for rise in level of pollution and explore possible solutions.

3. What measures can be suggested to promote religious harmony?

4. Can there be a proof of Pythagoras theorem using vedic mathematics?

14. In order to cater to individual differences in her classroom a teacher should –

(i) point out the economic background and caste of all learners in the class.

(ii) give learners opportunities to share their experiences in the class and value them.

(iii) intentionally exclude diverse cultural perspectives in the class. Choose the correct option.

Options :

1. (i), (ii)                             2. (i), (iii)                                    3. (ii), (iii)                   4. (i), (ii), (iii)

CTET 2021 CDP Question Paper 28 December 2021

CTET 2021 CDP Question Paper 30 December 2021

15. Learning of students from disadvantaged sections should be promoted by –

Options :

1. asking them to keep home tuitions.

2. giving them lot of recall based worksheets.

3. inducing fear and shame of failure

4. providing appropriate pedagogical support

16. Which of the following traits is a characteristic of children who are gifted?

Options :

1. Highly superior social skills and maturity as compared to their peers

2. Low perseverance in tasks

3. Curiosity and inquisitiveness

4. Choice of lower order thinking tasks

17. Special education in special schools for students with learning difficulties:

Options :

1. is not desirable since it can be overly restrictive for the learners.

2. is desirable so that learners with learning difficulties are segregated from those without learning difficulties.

3. is desirable so that education of learners with learning difficulties centres around only vocationalization.

4. is not desirable since it is expensive and demanding for the teachers.

18. Excessive physical movement, inattention and impulsivity are primary characteristics of:

Options :

1. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

2. Auditory processing disorder

3. Language processing disorder                             4. Dyscalculia

19. Which of the following statements about inclusion is NOTcorrect?

Options :

1. Inclusion means providing choice and options for learner amidst an array of activities and experiences.

2. Inclusion implies accepting all learners without imposing normative standards.

3. Inclusion involves investing in categorization and labeling of learners based on their academic abilities.

4. Inclusion includes use of diverse pedagogical strategies and respecting individual students’ pace of learning.

20. What adaptions should a teacher make while engaging learners who are visually challenged ?

(i) speaking clearly and loudly with appropriate pauses

(ii) use text to speech softwares

(iii) use a variety of colourful worksheets

(iv) use a lot of tactical materials

Options :

1. (ii), (iii), (iv)                            2. (i), (ii), (iii)                       3. (i), (ii), (iv)                  4. (i), (iii), (iv)

21. Which of the following characterizes a socio-constructivist classroom?

Options :

1. Fixed seating arrangement.

2. Teacher giving instructions and expecting the learners to be passively obedient.

3. Memorization of facts by the learners.

4. Learners discussing on topic while working in a group.

22. A student does not perform well in school, a teacher needs to –

Options :

1. analyze the system

2. blame the parents

3. shame the student

4. refer the student to special school

23. Internalization of continuous experiences of ‘not understanding’ and blaming the self for inability to learn and perform in the classroom can potentially result in –

Options :

1. learned helplessness                                            2. motivation to learn more

3. mastery orientation                                             4. belief in incremental view of ability

24. Assertion (A) : A teacher should not design learning tasks that encourage children to seek out knowledge from sites other than the textbook

Reason( R) : Learning and knowledge is ‘transmitted’ and not sought or constructed. Choose the correct option.

Options :

1. Both ( A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A)

2. Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A)

3. (A) is true but (R) is false                                  4. Both (A) and (R) are false

25. Meaningful learning takes place__________.

Options :

1. in a linear rather than a spiral manner

2. when teachers dismiss emotional aspects of students

3. through direct instructions by the teachers

4. through active interactions of students with the environment

26. Which of the following goals should be promoted among students for motivating them to learn?

Options :

1. Approach focused, mastery goals                                  2. Avoidance focused, performance goals

3. Approach focused, performance goals                         4. Avoidance focused, mastery goals

27. Metacognition is –

Options :

1. intuitive theories that children construct about everyday phenomenon.

2. the process of thinking about one’s own thinking.

3. the process of modifying existing schemes to accommodate new information.

4. a visual and hierarchical representation of various sub-concepts

28. Effective teaching would require –

(i) focus on reproduction of facts

(ii) focus on textbooks as the only source of knowledge

(iii) critical analysis of facts and perspectives

(iv) giving primacy to the prior experiences of the learners. Choose the correct option.

Options :

1. (i), (ii)                                 2. (iii), (iv)                                3. (i), (iii)              4. (ii), (iv)

29. To promote conceptual understanding among students, a teacher should NOT –

Options :

1. use analogies.                                                    2. give examples and non – examples.

3. make linkages with previous knowledge.   4. focus on mere reproduction of information.

30. Which of the following emotions would encourage students to put efforts in learning?

Options :

1. Frustration                     2. Boredom                                   3. Anger                    4. Pride

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