CTET 2021 CDP Question Paper 22 December 2021| CTET 2021 CDP Question Paper 2

CTET 2021 CDP Question Paper 22 December 2021: / CTET 2021 CDP Question Paper 2 केंद्रीय शिक्षक पात्रता परीक्षा (CTET) दिसम्बर 2021 से  जनवरी 2022 को आयोजित हुई  है। इस परीक्षा में पेपर वन में पांच खंडों होते हैं। जिसमें अंग्रेजी भाषा, हिंदी भाषा, गणित और पर्यावरण अध्ययन – CDP  से पूछे जाएंगेI CTET CDP  सिलेबस 2021 के अनुसार, इस खंड में बहुविकल्पीय वस्तुनिष्ठ प्रारूप में कुल 30 प्रश्न पूछे जाते हैं। प्रत्येक प्रश्न 1 अंक का है और कोई नकारात्मक अंकन नहीं होता  है। ये जो question पेपर 2 CDP का है

CTET 2021 CDP Question Paper 22 December 2021


1.  Assertion (A) : Humans are able to learn and remember new things in motor and cognitive domains throughout their life span. Reason (R) : Outcome of a severely deprived childhood can be easily changed in later years. Choose the correct option.

Options :

1. Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).

2. Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).

3. (A) is true but (R) is false.

4. Both (A) and (R) are false.

2. Which principle of development does the following example illustrate[1]The development of a child does not take a straight path, it turns back and then moves forward again.

Options :

1. Principle of uniformity                2. Principle of spiral advancement

3. Development is uni-directional 4. Development is discontinous.

3. Many parents demanded a ban on the popular cartoon show Shinchan as their children were imitating the central character’s ‘unruly’ behaviour. This illustrates ______________ is/are an important agency of socialization.

Options :

1. Media                                2. Peers                    3. Neighbourhood              4. Religion

4. Which of the following statement about progressive education is correct?

Options :

1. It involves lecture method and grouping according to the ability/marks of the students.

2. It involves individualized learning, tests at the end of the year and ranking of students based on marks.

3. It involves experimental learning and asessment through a variety of methods.

4. It involves programmed instruction and use of rewards to encourage learning.


5. Jean Piaget proposed the following of sequence of developmental stages:

Options :

1. Pre-operational, sensory-motor, concrete operational, formal operational.

2. Sensory-motor, Pre-operational, concrete operational, formal-operational.

3. Sensory-motor, Pre-operational, formal-operational, concrete operational.

4. Concrete operational, Formal operational, sensory-motor, pre-operational.


6. According to Jean Piaget, which of the following questions will be answered only by the children in formal operational stage?

Options :

1. Ronak ate 11 chocolates. His sister ate twice as many. How many chocolates they both ate in total?

2. If A is greater than B and B is greater than C. What is the relation between A and C?

3. How many whole numbers are there between 67 and 81?

4. 7+9=?

7. According to Lev Vygotsky, which of the following factors influence learning?

(i) social interaction (ii) cultural tools (iii) language (iv) negative reinforcement

Options :

1. (iv)                    2. (i)                           3. (i) (ii) (iii)                     4. (i) (iii) (iv)

8. According to Lev Vygotsky, when teachers make adjustment in the support extended to the child according to the child’s current level of performance, it is referred to as[1]

Options :

1. reinforcement                  2. conditioning                     3. modelling                4. Scaffolding

9. According to Lawrence Kohlberg the child’s moral development in stage 3 – maintaining mutual relation, the ‘Golden Rule’ refers to the stage where:-

Options :

1. the child wants to please and help others.

2. the child understands the social system is dependent on the performance of one’s duties to maintain social order.

3. right actions are defined according to the norms, needs and rights which are unaminously accepted by society. 4. the child not only keep in mind the norms of the society but also the limits to which the universal principles are applicable.

10. Howard Gardner proposed that

Options :

1. intelligence is a practical goal oriented activity

2. intelligence comprises of seven intelligences in a hierarchical order

3. intelligence is a generic ability that he lablled as ‘g’.

4. intelligence comprises of several kinds of human abilities.

CTET 2021 CDP Question Paper 28 December 2021

CTET 2021 CDP Question Paper 30 December 2021

11. Several television commercials depict men and women in stereotypical roles. How should a teacher discuss this issue in her classroom?

Options :

1. She should encourage students to accept statements made in television commercials at face value.

2. She should encourage students to analyze it critically and arrive at a reasoned decision.

3. She should encourage students to reach conclusion on the basis of given facts in the commercial.

4. She should encourage students to imitate the behaviour of men and women shown in the commercials.

12. In the context of cognitive and language development, who said “Thought comes first than language”?

Options :

1. Jean Piaget                             2. Lev Vygostky                     3. B.F. Skinner              4. Jerome Bruner

13. Which of the following statement regarding proposals made by National Education Policy 2020 (NEP) is not correct?

Options :

1. NEP 2020 proposes that a variety of methods and strategies such as group work and role plays be used for assessment.

2. NEP 2020 proposes shift from formative to summative assessment.

3. NEP 2020 proposes that apart from assessment by the teacher other ways such as self – assesment and peer assessment should be encouraged.

4. NEP 2020 proposes that report card of the student should include progress in the cognitive, affective and psychomotor domains.

14. Should terms take ‘slow learner’ ‘brilliant’ and ‘average’ be used to describe students in a classroom?

Options :

1. Yes, it helps students understand the level of their performance.

2. No, these terms label children based on ability and are non-inclusive.

3. Yes, it can help a teacher categorize children in his clasroom.

4. No, these categories are not sufficient, we need to add many more to understand student profiles.

15. Which kind of diversities should a teacher respect and include in her classroom?

Options :

1. Regional                        2. Socio-cultural                 3. Economic           4. Linguistic

16. Murti, a grade 4 student, is able to read only at the level of a grade 1 student. He also has difficulty matching sounds, spelling words and reading letters. Murti shows characteristics of[1]

Options :

1. Dyspraxia                       2. Dyscalculia                    3. Dyslexia                 4. Dysgraphia

17. A teacher can identify creative children in her class by

Options :

1. their ability to think convergently                        2. their popularity among peers

3. their innovative style of thinking                         4. their selection of simple and recall based tasks.

18. What are the following behaviours primary characteristics of- Impulsivity, low attention span, fidgeting, inability to sit for long?

Options :

1. Autism                   2. Giftedness                        3. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder             4. Creativity

19. Which of the following strategies does not promote inclusion?

Options :

1. Flexible grouping                                                2. Differentiated Instruction

3. Ability grouping                                                  4. Reasonable curricular accommodation

20. Which of the following is not a characteristic of child with giftedness?

Options :

1. High level of commitment                                 2. Prefers working independently on tasks

3. Ability to recognize multiple options while working on problems.

4. Eagerness to repeat the same task multiple times.

21. A teacher should employ classroom management strategies which focus on:

Options :

1. controlling the class through rigid rules            2. expecting same behaviour from all children

3. making students abide to all rules without questioning 4. giving ample oppurtunities for self reflection

22. Which is the most effective strategy to encourage conceptual development in children?

Options :

1. Keep punishing students till they make the required changes.

2. Getting children to forget old concepts and learn new ones by rote memorization.

3. Give a variety of examples and non-examples and encourage students to use reasoning.

4. Rewarding students each time they make a conceptual change in their schema.

23. Effective teaching includes-

(i) Taking care of emotional needs of students.

(ii) Adapting curriculum and assessments to the student’s needs.

(iii) Flexible grouping for peer interaction.

(iv) Employing rigid classroom management strategies.

Options :

1. (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)                        2. (i) (ii) (iii)                  3. (ii) (iii) (iv)               4. (i) (iii) (iv)

24. Rekha provided a map of India with landforms and rivers to her students and encouraged them to make initiative guesses about the location of major cities in it. Her approach to teaching-learning is

Options :

1. Rote memorisation                 2. Discovery learning               3. Direct instruction           4. Expository teaching

25. Presentation of a concept and its sub concepts in a heirarchial and interconnected manner is called

Options :

1. Mnemonic                                 2. Heuristics                               3. graphic organizer           4. Algorithms

26. Several educational reports are revealing that students are underperforming than the expected learning levels. The first unit of analysis to understand this gap should be:

Options :

1. System                                       2. Child                                            3. Community                  4. Parent

27. Children’s intrinsic motivation to learn is increased when –

Options :

1. learning is centred around rewards and punishment.

2. learning strategies focus on mere memorization and recall

3. their learning enviroment fosters their sense of belonging and agency.

4. the teachers encourage obedience and adopt standardized methods of assessment

28. Which emotion would facilitate the process of meaningful learning?

Options :

1. Shame                     2. Fear                          3. Hopelessness                 4. Curosity

29. Assertion: Teachers must encourage children to share the ‘naïve’ or intuitive theories that they construct.

Reason: All children start off with pre-conceptions of reality and these conceptions influence their understanding in schools. Choose the correct option.


1. Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).

2. Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).

3. (A) is true but (R) is false.

4. Both (A) and (R) are false.

30. What tasks should be focussed upon in a socio-constructivist classroom?

Options :

1. Task that are challenging and allow critical thinking.

2. tasks that are repetitive and mechanical

3. tasks based on recalling the text

4. tasks that do not permit questioning by the child.


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